torch1.gif (13045 bytes)The Dark House torch1.gif (13045 bytes)

First time visitors

You find yourself in a heap at the foot of a staircase but you don't know how you got there. Just at that moment you feel as if you have been used as a human punch bag. You realise that at some time, probably not very long ago, you must have stood at the top of those stairs.


Your eyes strain attempting to define the shapes in the dimly lit room you now find yourself in. A beam of moonlight projects through a high small grill or window.


Picking yourself up and taking a few paces, your left foot strikes an object and you hear a clink. Reaching down you find a box containing dusty bottles. Just then you notice a writing bureau in the far corner of the room and walk towards it. You open one of its drawers, fumble around inside and eventually withdraw a book.


Gingerly opening the book and holding it up to the moonlight shaft you can see that inscribed in it are the words


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Last updated: 03.10.98

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