Duffy - I Love My Friends (Album)

Year of Release: 1998

Long awaited album and after a few listens, I would say was just about worth the wait. I am sure that it is no coincidence that there are many references in the lyrics which could apply to Mr Duffy himself. In contrast to the chirpy tunes, the lyrics are black (especially on "Eucharist"). However "The Deal" and "Autopsy" are melancholy but make no bones about it nor any attempt to disguise it - no mixed signals of chirpy tunes combined with black lyrics. "Twenty Three" gives the impression that the singer is subdued and resigned to whatever fate holds in store for him. Mr Stephen "Tin Tin" Duffy did of course hit the mainstream pop scene with "Kiss Me". Let's hope that's not the last thing to be written in his epitaph.

Rating: ****

Date of Review: 23.08.98

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