flatarro1.wmf (3222 bytes) The Critical Path flatarro1.wmf (3222 bytes)

Life is a cross-roads comprising of a series of choices - get it right and you will do OK.  Get it wrong and you will never reach your final destination.  Make a musical journey here by testing your musical knowledge.  Each step of the way you will be provided with a question with a choice of 4 answers (which will take you North, South, East or West, depending on which answer you choose).  Get the question right and you will take a step in the right direction and receive the next question.  Get the question wrong and your journey will be over.  That won't necessarily be the end for you though - like life, you can have a second chance and can start again, but to do that you will have to go back to square one and the beginning of the journey.  Are you up to the challenge?  If so, click on Start.  You can quit the journey at any time by clicking on Home.

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Last updated: 16.03.14

Author: Dorraine Bennett                     ©2004-2014 Dors Productions                     HH01518A.gif (838 bytes)