
Once upon a time a student with some spare time on her hands decided to put some of that time to good(?) use by putting together a music review website, partly because she had already amassed a collection of reviews written some time in the past and partly because the local student web press committee was not over-enamoured with her suggested contributions for the student on-line magazine.  So the foundations for Music Muscle were then laid.  This was a self-build project, so there was a lot of trial and error along the way and sometimes things did not work out exactly as planned...

It was not too long however before the construction started to take shape, with reviews from live performances being added on site to bolster the development.  Then extensions were built on, e.g. The Cool Spot and The Dark House.  Also holiday experiences provided inspiration and ideas and under the influence of these (and the odd brandy and coke), On the Beach and Traveller's Tales emerged.

Eventually the student had to get a job and the pace of the build slowed down considerably, some parts got neglected altogether, others just got an occasional makeover every now and again.

However fresh impetus was injected when the now working gal joined forces with Richard Penguin; he managed to smuggle her into gigs and festivals and in return, she would hold a torch for him over his notepad so he could see to write his notes at the dimly lit gigs (although he didn't really need her help, but he went along with it so she felt she was being useful).

Home Reviews Index Photos The Cool Spot On the Beach The Dark House The Gallery The Mood Machine Traveller's Tales Tick-Art Schiz-O-Pix The Critical Path NCMS About Contact

Last updated: 17.11.13

Author: Dorraine Bennett      ©2013 Dors Productions       HH01518A.gif (838 bytes)