Traveller's Tales

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I visited Italy in the summer of 1993.  Italy just shouts culture at you.  You can't get away from it as it is everywhere.  It doesn't come cheap either, so even if you are just getting a snack in a tourist spot, expect expense. 

The music is of course opera.   You will unwittingly find yourself singing "Just one cornetto, give it to me, delicious ice-cream, from Italy".  And it's not just the ice-cream which will get the taste buds going - several glasses of Chianti will whet the appetite...

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Anyway, getting back to the matter at hand... this tour starts in Florence, which is a beautiful city.  If you like art galleries, you'll love Florence.  Take a rain coat, though - it chucked it down with rain during the 2 days I spent in Florence.

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Luckily, by the time I reached Rome, the sun had decided to put in an appearance.  Unfortunately, the Pope was too busy to see me, so I decided to do some sight-seeing instead.  The saying goes "When in Rome, do as the Romans do" - I take this to mean that you should ride around on a pesky moped and try and take out the pedestrians. 

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Venice is the last stop.   Venice has a certain magic, as long as you can get used to the smell of the sewage which is in the water all around you.

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    On the whole, Italy is a vibrant country and is well worth a visit.

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Author: Dorraine Bennett       ©2001 Dors Productions     HH01518A.gif (838 bytes)